Hello…I am actually signing this blog post in perfect American Sign Language and an
interpreter is typing it. Obviously, I’m
kidding and, obviously, I neither became extremely proficient in ASL nor
treated the blog like my job as stated in my last post. Unless, you take in to consideration that I
quit my last job, in which case I treated it exactly like my job. Anyway, I digress. What really happened is that I started
blogging because I thought it would be fun.
I enjoy writing and I especially like laughing at myself (and others,
but I prefer to say ‘with others’) and the blog was a perfect avenue for that
until it became another item on my To-Do List.
I felt so much pressure from my 10 followers to produce quality
blog posts on a daily basis, I just buckled under the pressure (I rest assured
that my readers are able to pick up on my sarcasm here but just in case, I’m
being sarcastic). In all seriousness, I
really do enjoy writing and I will keep up with the blog, it’s just going to be
when it’s convenient for me. That could
be daily, weekly, monthly, or never again, I’m not really sure. I am sure that I am done with public
declarations of keeping up with the blog.
Moving on. The summer
has flown by and I can hardly believe it is August. Ella is almost a year and a half, she is talking a lot and picking up
new words like crazy. Her hair is
getting long (everywhere but on the sides, I blame this on Clayton). She is starting to assert a little bit of
independence, in mom-talk that is the polite way to say at times she is an
asshole. Maybe those words are harsh,
but she did throw a book at a woman in Target.
In Ella’s defense she didn’t see the lady when she threw the book, but
nonetheless she threw a book that hit a lady and THAT is being an asshole.
I have started attending a mom-workout class, these moms are buff.
When I first heard about it, I thought it would be a social affair with
some light stretching. It’s more like an
ass kicking with the added stress of children running around. It has not only made me in better shape but
it has really knocked my ego down a peg as I realize that I’m less coordinated
and in worse shape than the pregnant lady doing burpees and pull
ups next to me. Did I mention it’s close
to 90 degrees outside? The class is the
perfect place to constantly feel inadequate and awkward, but somehow
accomplished. I’m hooked because it is
exactly the way I like to workout, a little bit of running, a lot of
conditioning, and someone else telling me what to do. Left up to my own devices, I will walk around
the block eating a bag of chips and call it working out. I have also met a bunch of women that I’m sure
will eventually become my friends. At
the very least, it has provided me with a community of moms and women that, I
dare say, I didn’t even have in Austin.
Those are a couple of the things that have been going on. Yep, it’s a pretty exciting life, trips to
Target and working out. I, in all of my insecurity and awkwardness of course, have
plenty of stories from the last few months, but I will save those for another